Friday, June 6, 2008

Serious "Dead"line for the particular form....

I have past up most of yours student particular form on Thursday 5th of June, and it has been inform since last Friday... It does require two of yours SPM result and need to be verify by the office and one passport size photo.

I am disappointed, very disappointed, cause most of you couldn't complete this task, and some of you could come to me ask for the form yesterday! last Saturday until this Wednesday WHERE ARE YOU? And I'm like some mad person shouting u guys to come down and pick up the form in every single lecturer time. Before the dateline on 5th of June.

Alright, never mind that, Okay for those who has not pass up the form MONDAY is the "DEAD"line... so pass it to your class rep. with the complete requirement! Two SPM slip, one passport size photo, and complete fill up all of the form.

Oh, By the way, there are some rejected form as well... and some of it are with me. so come see me if You think your form is not complete, verifying SPM slip, no photo, form not done fill up ?

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