Saturday, March 14, 2009

F.O.M. text book is Ready

The F.O.M. text book and the notes are ready, it will be distribute on Monday at DK ABE, 1400-1600... All class Rep please get your books there.

Attention all students:
Please pay your class fund and the Book's photocopy payment to your class rep On Monday before you get the books.

Timetable and venue for Tamadun Islam e-learning

Monday 1000-1100 @ Q212, 1100-1300 @ Q213.

Thursday 1100-1300 @ Q215.

Friday 1500-1800 @Q213

1030- H10, 1100- H11, 1130- H4, 1200-H7.

1100- H1, 1130- H12, 1200- H9, 1230- H12.

1500- H11, 1530- H6, 1600- H4, 1630- H3, 1700-H2.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Payment day ...

Please pay the photocopy bill on this friday....
Class rep make sure you've college your class fund and send it to Rachel on this friday...
Thank you

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don Norman: The three ways that good design makes you happy

Replacement class for Tamadun Islam on tomorrow

Replacement for Tamadun Islam class will be on tomorrow 1400-1600 DK ABE, as Pn. Nadia said: If you are available to be in class, then you go, if not you will have to do your own study .....

We die .............. =(

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tomorrow Amanda's class

Miss Amanda's lecturer will be on as it set in the schedule on tomorrow