Thursday, November 27, 2008

kitchen tutorial question 1



Topics: Introduction to Food Preparation

            The Food Service Professionals

            Sanitation and Safety


Section A

Answer all the questions.

1. Bacteria are one of the most common causes of foodborne disease in a food establishment because __________.

A. under ideal condition, they can grow very rapidly.

B. bacteria are found naturally in many foods.

C. bacteria can be easily transferred from one source to another.

D. All of the above.


2. Which of the following is NOT considered a potentially hazardous food group?

A. Red meats

B. Fish and shellfish

C. Poultry and eggs

D. Dried grains and spices


3. The key factor in the prevention of bacteria growth is ___________.

A. personal hygiene

B. menu evolution

C. time and temperature control

D. food quality


4. How frequently should a foodhandler wash his or her hands?

A. Once every hour

B. After handling raw food products

C. Before beginning work and after each break

D. After every possibility of contamination


5. The way of the kitchen is organized depends on the several factors, except  _________.

A. the menu

B. physical of the staff

C. types of establishment

D. size of the operation

Section B

Fill the blank with one correct answer from below.


Vitamin D

George Auguste Escoffier

Food infection

Undesirable bacteria

Executive chef

Sous chef

Food intoxication


Garde manger

Marie Antoine Careme


The hat


Vitamin B

The towel


1. ________________            The second highest level of possible in kitchen organization.


2. ________________            It caused by poison in the food that is reproduced by bacteria.


3. ________________            Responsible for cold foods, including salads and dressings, pates, cold hors d’ouevres and buffet item.


4. ________________            The functions of this vitamin are to assist in children’s growth and enables people to see well in the dark.


5. ________________            A disease that caused by tiny worm that become embedded in the muscles.


6. ________________            One parts of this uniform’s function is to prevent loose hair from dripping into food and to absorb perspiration.


7. ________________            Composed of different amino acid that is essential to the body and have to be provided by food.


8. ________________            A person also known as The Father of 20th Century Cookery.


9. ________________            These are the bacteria that are responsible for food spoilage.


10. _______________            It caused by bacteria (or other organisms) that get into intestinal system and attack the body.



1. Give five of a standard of professionalism for good workers.

2. Explain the following factors food borne hazards

            i) Biological hazard

            ii) Physical hazard

3.  Identify the six kinds of nutrients in the food.

4. List five points of suitable cloth and uniform should have.

5. State 5 factors that determined why you eat or not.

Section A (answer)


  1. D
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B




1. Sous Chef                                                                6. The hat

2. Food Intoxication                                                     7. Protein

3. Garde manger                                                           8. George Auguste Escoffier

4. Vitamin A                                                                 9. Undesirable Bacteria

5. Trichinosis                                                                10. Food Infections





a. positive attitude toward the job.

b. staying power

c. ability to work with people

d. eagerness to learn

e. a full range of skills

f. experience

g. dedication to quality and etc.


2.  I- it contaminated by these factors either by bacteria, parasites, yeasts, mold and virus.

     II- are hard or soft foreign objects in food that can cause illness and injury.


3.         A. Protein

            B. Fats

            C. Carbohydrates

            D. Minerals

            E. Water

            F. Vitamins


4.         I. protect body from excessive heat

            II. washable

            III. colour

            IV. light and comfortable

            V. strong- due to frequent washing

            VI. absorbent


5.         A. Age

            B. Sex

            C. Religion

            D. Individual

            E. Nutritional knowledge

            F. Food Itself


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