Saturday, June 13, 2009

I beg for appreciation

I know I'm a bit emotional on last friday, about an anonymous "Hero" comment on the blogspot. I beg forgiveness from you folks for taking my pist at the lecturer hall, I'm really being patient for awhile for taking the all the insults that has been post on the chat box ever since this blogspot has been establish... but some of you are really getting harsher and harsher .... I'm the only on who responsible for the course not my family not my girlfriend and not my friends either... Some of you are really pushing it...Any issue please come forward to me talk to me reasonably and having a mature conversation.

There are some understanding that I need to state here, lets go step by step about it....

1.) They photocopy supplier that I chose to deliver our notes is associate with our college, they are the only supplier that is been authorize to enter the college to deliver our notes. Try to imagine without the delivery to our door step of the lecturer hall, I have to personally drive out to collect all the notes 300 over students notes will it be possible? And do my transportation fee are considerable to claim from you guys? What if I dont have a car? And have you consider the timing for our general lecturer ? For this semester there is only two days for the general lecturer classes which is Friday and Saturday... I hope you don't expect them to send it to your tutorial class door by door, ask yourself would you do that kinda service if you are the supplier? Plus the supplier does not only managing our course notes only, they are managing the majority of the courses of our college. They are not our butler.

2.) The payment for the photocopy, I have manage to get the cheapest out of the supplier. I did not took a single cent from you guys, what you pay for it is all to the supplier. Some might thought why some of the printing supplier are giving a lower rates for the printing, it is because our supplier are so good, their service has almost monopolize in the entire college. The supplier out there could only lower their rates to attract more of their customers. If I would like to cover all my allowance for all my transport and telephone bill I will ask from you guys, I won't cheat from the photocopy money.

3.) For those who are not happy with my service I will kindly suggest you to go on your own, just kindly let your class rep know that you would like to get your own notes and you can stop paying for the class fees. I didn't ever force anyone of you that you must take up my service.

4.) I don't work for you, I'm just a voluntary messenger between you folks and the office or the lecturer, what they told me is what you will get. Please do not ask me question that only god could answer. And please do not ask any of the lecturer number from me, I am not authorize to do so is best to ask them by your own.

5.) Since the 1st year 1st semester I have said so, "Please do not text me smses" anything call me! I couldn't afford to pay more for my telephone bill after using it to call up the photocopy supplier and the lecturer to get the information for you guys. Please call me only. Time line 1000-2000 only.

6.)Class rep please do not grab the notes by your own during the distribution time, now we have a new assistant course rep will kindly like to help you to manage it sequently. Please allow her to do her job and get the satisfy amount for you class.
Besides that all I need is a lil' bit of co-operation with you guys, we are having a bad service of the notes printing is due to the most confirmation of the amount of students that needed the printing service, that is why I require all the class rep quickly gave me the confirmation on the first week. This is to avoid the over printing cost for you guys to pay.

I know I might be deficiency of doing a my job as a course rep sometimes, all I could say is I'm a student as well just like all of you guys, I wish to do well in my studies and get graduate from the course, I do not wish to put all my effort just to manage the course only and neglected my studies, My dad actually ask me to quit this position, just incase I fail and wasted their money for my education, and it is quite a confuse dilemma of responsibility and selfishness. PLEASE, I really hope that we could at least co-operate to makes things happen, it is very hard to clap by one hand( if you wish to know how to clap by one hand ask me to demonstrate during the lecturer hall) trust me it is hard and painful.

If however, you guys think you guys need a new course rep, a better person to do the job, I am greatful give my position out for the sake of living a better life for myself.

In college life everything is on our own, if you require any information please kindly visit the ssh office or the lecturer yourself, I do not consider that is part of my job. There are heaps of things that you guys can do it on your own instead of just depending someone to help. Get what you want by yourself.

One last thing, I really mean you guys no harm, do not think of I am in a gangster or something, I didn't came a cross a single fight before, I do not need you to scare me or something I wont harm you for anything. But there is a limit as well, just make sure you don't cross the line.

Oh yes... Yes I do smoke, there are some other smoker in our course as well, but please do respect the smoker out they, eventhough it is a bad thing to do, as long as they didn't blow their smoke in your face they are just like you. A normal person having a bad habit. Please cut off those perception that you have to hate a smoker.

Thank you...

This blog is mainly use for giving out helpful information and accepting mature comment, and once again it is not a place for people like Mr. Hero to cry like a baby over here. If you want you got all the time you need to bitch about unsatisfactory feeling in the lecturer hall complete with a microphone to bitch it all out to all of your fellow course mate. And let them know who is the "Hero" that could stand out. Is a Free country to have a free speech, there are not ISA people gonna catch you in the college... Just don't, please don't be such a coward crying like a baby here in this blog! Thank you.

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