Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well is 4am in the morning, I don't wanna sleep cause I have plan this, to study my economy for tomorrow exam... Yea right study. I realize that me and my notes couldn't really work with each other, I try to ask it some question, he said shut the hell up and look in my content, and don't just stare inside of my panty, cause it none of your business, look somewhere else, besides it, Is all there on my body. I say "where"? It say:" is on my body you idiot, I got all tattooed on it, you morron, do you know how painful it is, to go inside the printer"? "Look for yourself I'm not suppose to talk, cause your lecturer told me not to tell you anything, so you could listen to him". So I ditch it off and look for someone who can talk to me of Economics... "Hi youtube"  yea they talk good video lousy speaker ... and I just realize it cause me alot of opportunity cost. Oh well.... fuck that... 
Any how this is the first time I saw a stand-up economist! He said his dad told him he is crazy ... why the hell do you wanna be a stand-up economist when there is no demand! LOL ! 
Alright, here you go enjoy the clip. 
What ever happen in the world... stays on youtube =)

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